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Copyright Vassilios Tzounakis


Soul Jail – Brain Jail – Sehenden Auges Wandler – Literatures Voice



In the final days of World War II, as the Red Army advanced on Berlin and the Third Reich teetered on the edge of total military collapse, Adolf Hitler famously shot himself in his bunker. A wave of suicides would follow—high-ranking Nazi officials such as Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Philipp Bouhler, and Martin Bormann killed themselves before being captured...
The Jeffrey Epstein scandal – Tara Brown reports how a New York billionaire masterminded an international sex trafficking ring of young women, and why wealthy and powerful men, including HRH Prince Andrew, are now implicated in the saga.

Aller Dinge Maß ist der Mensch, der Seienden, dass sie sind, der nicht Seienden, dass sie nicht sind.

Protagoras – Griechischer Schriftsteller (485 vChr – 415 vChr).


Private Violence: Exploring Domestic Abuse (Crime Documentary)

Private Violence explores a simple, but deeply disturbing fact of American life: the most dangerous place for a woman in America is her own...

Transforming Gender – to be in conflict with the gender you...

The battle over the rights and freedoms of transgender individuals is the first great civil rights struggle of the 21st century. In the last...

My Dirty Little Secret: Behind Closed Doors

In 1987, millionaire NY couple Joseph John and Diane Whitmore Pikul are about to divorce. Not only is a bitter custody battle inevitable, Diane...

Exposing Jeffrey Epstein’s international sex trafficking ring

The Jeffrey Epstein scandal – Tara Brown reports how a New York billionaire masterminded an international sex trafficking ring of young women, and why...

Die 71. Frankfurter Buchmesse

Die 71. Frankfurter Buchmesse findet vor dem Hintergrund globaler politischer und gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche statt. Die Sorge um den Zustand der Welt angesichts einer drohenden...

Literaturgala der Frankfurter Buchmesse

In Zusammenarbeit mit hr2-kultur, dem Literaturhaus Frankfurt und der Buchhandlung Hugendubel lädt die Frankfurter Buchmesse ein zu einer literarischen Gala mit internationalen Starautoren. Im...

Asylum-seeking Saudi teenager aided by United Nations

United Nations officials have taken charge of Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, a Saudi teenager who defied deportation from Thailand. The 18-year-old says she's fleeing abuse and had barricaded herself in a Bangkok hotel room to avoid being returned to her family. She...

Trump says U.S. will cut aid over the migrant caravan

Migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador say they're fleeing poverty, persecution and gang violence. The caravan is now estimated to include more than...

Man goes on racist tirade against elderly black woman on Ryanair flight

A viral video shows man going on a racist tirade against elderly black woman on flight from Barcelona to London on Friday, telling her...

The girl with two faces | Das Mädchen mit zwei Gesichtern

In March 2008 Lali Singh was born in India, but from the beginning, she was different from other babies: she had two faces. The...

Artist Ahsante Bean on figuring out her asexuality

Ahsante Bean feels a lot of pressure to create on the Internet, but she struggles to balance posting consistently with having a full-time job....

Science journalist Anna Rothschild on fighting family pressure

Anna Rothschild knew she wanted to be a scientist at an early age, but her family of artists didn't always understand why. They didn’t...

Sex expert Tyomi Morgan on finding your inner vixen

Tyomi Morgan is a self-proclaimed sex expert, but she hasn’t always felt sexy. When she was younger, she often felt self-conscious about her appearance....

Kat Lazo on the incredible backlash to “Latinx”

Back when she was an aspiring young actor, video producer and vlogger Kat Lazo faced an industry that wanted her to look and sound...

Molly Burke on what it’s like to go blind

Molly Burke, YouTuber and motivational speaker, lost her vision at a young age after being diagnosed with a rare genetic eye disease—retinitis pigmentosa. Her...

How feminist blogger Anita Sarkeesian fights trolls

Anita Sarkeesian is a feminist media critic and blogger who was at the center of the Gamergate controversy after speaking out about sexist depictions...
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